問答題翻譯:As is well known gas mixture do not follow the simple gad laws but deviate from them when place under pressure.




翻譯:A portion of the sample is used to determine the gravity of the oil expressed in AIP unit the lighter the oil, the higher the API gravity .In most cases the price paid for the coude is determined in prat by the API gravity, hence ,the importance of careful gravity determination in each instance.


翻譯:A third means of assessing the maturity of rocks is by the pyrolysis of a small amount of the source rock. The temperature is raised rapidly and the material vaporized or formed by thermal breakdown of the kerogen is passed through a detector which records, on a temperature base, peaks representing these two bursts of volatile material. To a first approximation the peak at the lower temperature represents oil already generated; the peak at the higher temperature indicates oil capable of being generated at adequate maturity.


翻譯:It has been suggested that an effective oil source rock generates 10-40 bbl or oil per acre ft (0.0013-0.0052 cc/cc) for each one per cent of organic carbon. This is approximately 500-2000 ppm by weight.


翻譯:There are two approaches to the problem of determining the fluid saturation within a reservoir rock. The direct approach is to measure, in the laboratory, the saturation of selected rock samples recovered from the parent formation. The indirect approach is to determine the fluid saturation by measuring some related physical property of the rock.


翻譯:In addition to being useful as an exploration tool, subsurface maps are a necessary part of any reservoir engineering study; and petroleum engineers, as well as geologists, must be completely familiar with their construction and interpretation.


翻譯:The first step in planning a well should be the gathering of all available data on past wells. In this respect it is important to be completely familiar with all sources of information, the availability of the sources, and the information normally associated with each source.


翻譯:A paraffin base crude is an oil whose chief components are paraffins, and which completely distilled, leaves a solid residue of wax. An asphalt base crude is an oil composed primarily of cyclic compounds (mostly naphthenes) which, when distilled, leaves a solid residue of asphalt. Oils which fall in the middle of these categrories are classified as mixed base.


翻譯:The fluids of a petroleum reservoir are generally gas, oil, and water in varying proportions. Each phase can differ widely in composition and properties. Gas and oil, either as separate fluids or in mixtures, change their state or phase as reservoir pressure changes.


翻譯:A porous medium has a permeability of one darcy when a single phase fluid of one centipoise viscosity that completely fills the voids of the medium, will flow through it under conditions of viscous flow at a rate of one cubic centimeter per second per square centimeter cross sectional area under a pressure or equivalent hydraulic gradient of one atmosphere per centimeter.


翻譯:The need for a greater understanding of the pumping process and for the ability to engineer pump installations to a close degree of tolerance is being accentuated by the trend to pump from greater and greater depths . Problems are relatively minor when the pump is at 10,000 ft.
