翻譯:Land maps are essential in establishing control wells and provide fundamental orientation. As Fig.2 illustrates, land maps which are readily available within most companies as well as readily available commercially, provide offset operators, total depth, formation tops and development dates. The land map is essential in establishing orientation and control.
翻譯:An acidizing treatment for a sandstone formation normally will consist of sequentially injecting three fluids---a preflush, the hydrofluoric acid hydrochloric acid mixture, and an after flush. These fluids serve definite purposes.
翻譯:In the chapter and the next some aspects of rod pumping and of the instruments used to analyze pumping well behavior are discussed. Many different pumping systems are in current use , e.g. , conventional sucker rod pumping, long-stroke pumping , hydraulic ,centrifugal,and sonic pumping ,but no attempt is made to deal here with any other method than convention a sucker rod pumping.
翻譯:Classification of reservoirs can be made on the basis of the texture, composition, and origin of the containing rock or the geometric configuration of the reservoir trap. Classification of reservoirs in the basis of rock texture and composition can assist in the prediction of reservoir performance. Variations in the mineralogy of reservoir rocks can be as important in reservoir performance as structural configuration or areal extent of the reservoir rock.
翻譯:Practically every rig uses internal-combustion engines as its prime power source, or its prime mover.
翻譯:In these early days, as lamp oil, was the important product and the main objects of refining was to extract as much of it as possible from the crude. Lubricants and some fuel oil were also sold, but gasoline was burnt off as unwanted and bitumen was also largely useless.
翻譯:A paraffin base crude is an oil whose chief components are paraffins, and which completely distilled, leaves a solid residue of wax. An asphalt base crude is an oil composed primarily of cyclic compounds (mostly naphthenes) which, when distilled, leaves a solid residue of asphalt. Oils which fall in the middle of these categrories are classified as mixed base.
翻譯:The fluids of a petroleum reservoir are generally gas, oil, and water in varying proportions. Each phase can differ widely in composition and properties. Gas and oil, either as separate fluids or in mixtures, change their state or phase as reservoir pressure changes.
翻譯:The need for a greater understanding of the pumping process and for the ability to engineer pump installations to a close degree of tolerance is being accentuated by the trend to pump from greater and greater depths . Problems are relatively minor when the pump is at 10,000 ft.
翻譯:crude petroleum is not an equilibrium mixture, and on a geological time scale its composition is slowly changing. S.R.silverman found that heating at 121C for two weeks caused detectable changes, the low-molecular-weight components formed being isotopically lighter so far as the carbon was concerned, than the original.