單項選擇題All the holds which are to take cereals in bags must be so cleaned that they meet the requirements of the().

A.local agent
B.cargo surveyor
C.accident investigator
D.general average adjuster



1.單項選擇題After abandoning a vessel,water that is consumed within the first 24 hours will().

A.pass through the body with little absorbed by the system
B.help to prevent fatigue
C.quench thirst for only 2 hours
D.help to prevent seasickness

2.單項選擇題According to the Insurance Terms of PICC,All Risk covers().

A.total and partial loss
B.4/4 collision liability
C.general average
D.all of the above

4.單項選擇題A fire has damaged 20 bales of cotton on a freighter loaded with general cargo. This claim would come under().

A.constructive total loss
B.general average
C.particular average
D.total loss of a part

5.單項選擇題A ballasted vessel sinks enroute to a drydock. Under these circumstances,the vessel’s owner can claim().

A.actual total loss
B.constructive total loss
C.general average
D.particular average


If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ()any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen’s enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.


Sacrifices to meet the particular emergency,such as loss of the ship’s tackle through using it for unusual purposes in order to secure her safety in specially difficult circumstances,()the subject of a general average contribution.


No jettison of cargo shall be made fair as()unless such cargo is carried in accordance withthe recognized custom of the trade.


For a sacrifice or expenditure to be the subject of general average contribution,there must be a danger common to().


If the redelivery of a vessel is delayed by causes (),hire is payable at the charter rate until redelivery even though the market rate may have gone up or down.


The mere washing overboard of part of the cargo will not()rise to a general average contribution; nor will the throwing overboard of cargo by the crew or passengers out of private malice.


In modern times,the work of stowage is generally deputed to stevedores,but that does not generally relieve the shipowners()their duties even though the stevedores are,under the charter-party,to be appointed by the Charterers.


Deviation is caused by().


The Shipowner cannot claim contribution from()if,after general average expenditure has been incurred,the ship and cargo are lost before the conclusion of the voyage.


In order to prevent a person()general average contribution on the ground that he was at fault,the fault must be something which constitutes an actionable wrong.
