C.All clear
A.danger,stay away
B.all is clear,it is safe to pass
C.the vessel is anchored
D.a distress signal
A.run in
B.running into
C.run into
D.running in
Cargo vessels being navigated,and fitted with emergency lighting and power systems,shall have their emergency systems tested at least once().
The Emergency Position Indicating Radio beacon on a cargo vessel must be stowed().
How should you signal the crane operator to stop in an emergency?()
In each inflatable liferaft,what equipment is provided to make quick,emergency,temporary repairs to large holes in the raft? ()
The vessel’s Emergency Position Indicating Radio beacon (EPIRB) must be tested().
Thirty-five percent of the breaking strength of an anchor cable is generally accepted as the().
The approval period for a shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan expires after().
All self-propelled vessels on an international voyage must be equipped with how many Emergency Position Indicating Radio beacons (EPIRB)? ()
A vessel sailing from Liverpool to New York puts into Boston,Mass. for emergency repairs. If no inward foreign cargo is to be discharged at that port,which of the following documents is required?()
A ship that,at any time,operates seaward of the outermost boundary of the territorial sea is required to prepare,submit,and maintain a(n)().