A.An urgent message concerning a vessel in distress
B.A weather advisory about unusual meteorological or oceanographic phenomena hazardous to vessels
C.A broadcast disseminating an official government proclamation affecting shipping
D.A radio navigational warning concerning a particularly hazardous condition affecting navigation
A.It transmits "SOS" and the vessel's name and position in slow speed Morse Code
B.It will appear on a radar unit's PPI as a line of dots radiating outward with the innermost dot indicating the SART's position
C.It will appear on a radar unit's PPI as a line of dots radiating outward with the outermost dot indicating the SART's position
D.None of the above
A.securite repeated 3 times
B.safety repeated 3 times
C.pan pan repeated 3 times
D.securite securite repeated 3 times
A.red star shell
C.burning barrel
D.orange smoke signal
A.A unique radar signal consisting of a blip code radiating outward from a SART's position along its line of bearing
B.A unique two tone "warbling" signal heard on VHF-FM ch-70
C.A unique two tone alarm signal heard upon the automatic unmuting of the 2182 kHz radiotelephone automatic watch receiver
D.The SART signal appears as a target which comes and goes; the effect of heavy swells on the SART
When will the float-free emergency position indicating radio beacon be activated after abandoning ship?()
Which system may be useful for messages,such as local storm warnings or a shore-to-ship distress alert,for which it is inappropriate to alert all ships in the satellite coverage area?()
Which statement concerning Montauk Point Light is TRUE?()
When a survival craft drill is held,the person in charge must insure that().
Which topic is NOT required to be discussed at the pre-transfer conference?()
What would NOT be a distress signal?()
Where must the 0mster or person in charge of a ship record the date of each test of emergency lighting and power systems and the condition and performance of the equipment?()
Winds expected to()Storm Force 10 in south-east semicircle later up to 300 miles from the center of the tropical cyclone.
Which statement pertaining to log keeping is TRUE?()
What would most likely prevent a SART’s signal from being detected?()